The Management Nine

In an article from Talent, authors Derek Finkelman and Jonathan Corke present nine ways to make your organization’s top-performers into efficient managers. Top-talent managers don’t just pop up out of nowhere and become the new manager. Getting to that level means paying dues – through lots of time, training and guidance. Should a top-performer be the candidate given more of an opportunity to fill an open management position? What about levels of experience needed to fill that position … does this top-performer possess that? Will this top-performer meet and surpass the current standard of productivity? The answers are probably yes.

While top performers likely have solid domain skills, coupled with a strong motivation to succeed, there’s a good chance they have not been afforded sufficient opportunity to develop effective management techniques. For some, these skills can be learned on the job.

If your top-talent candidate needs a little more experience, focus on their strengths and future potential. There are nine areas of effective management to keep in mind. Utilizing these analysis points will help to make management transitions smooth, and will help your organization continue to run at it’s most functional level. Ask yourself whether or not the candidate is capable of executing these nine skills:

1. Move from tactical to strategic.

2. Defend the team.

3. Build trusting relationships.

4. Delegate.

5. Teach and mentor.

6. Admit mistakes.

7. Leverage others’ strengths.

8. Manage each employee.

9. Take time to manage.

Being a manager isn’t just a title. It’s a job – a big job! It’s about creating relationships with your employees so that they have a ‘rock’ to come to when the going gets tough. Hiring or promoting the right top-performer to a managerial position is important. Ask yourself whether or not this candidate is capable of leading. Be mindful of the fact that this transition will take time and commitment. Making this management change will take a lot from the individual but it will also take some energy from the organization. This newly promoted employee will need time to decipher what elements of their old job will play into their new responsibilities. Be sure they’re given enough time to smooth out this difference.

Not utilizing these nine tools can have repercussions. Ineffective management can really hurt an organization by alienating various departments or employees. This in turn will reduce productivity. Just because you have a top-performing employee does not mean that you will eventually have a top-performing manager. Not everyone was born to lead … and having an employee that is great at their job doesn’t mean they’d be so great at managing others. It takes time, training and guidance. To read more about the nine core areas to enhance the management transition period within your organization, click here to read the full article.

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