Dress Code For A Successful Workplace

Casual Friday’s are a nice break for everyone at the end of the week … but the rest of the week all decked out can be a burden, right? Well, according to an article from Salary.com, there are survey results showing that employees crave structure when it comes to workplace dress codes.

A dress code is a part of the company culture. What to wear and what not to wear effect what kind of environment is projected in the workplace. What factors come into play in your organization’s dress code? Of the 4,600 people surveyed, it is seemingly true that how your employees dress is the root of what others assume about your employees as well as your organization.

What can you do to assure your organization is positively received by your target market? Here are a few important things to keep in mind about dress codes:

Make Your Dress Code Policy Clear: People on both sides agreed that uncertainty breeds confusion which can lead to serious problems.

Many Employees Want A More Structured Dress Code: The majority of people who took the survey said they are satisfied with their company’s dress code policy. But after that, the results are surprising …

Everyone’s Looking at You: It turns out you may have reason to be paranoid, because they are watching. And judging too. While employees may not be tattling on each other to human resources for shabby dress, they’re forming opinions and hostility is brewing.

“Casual Friday” Still in Style: Despite slightly conservative leanings when it comes to dress codes, the majority of respondents still value one day a week when they can dress down.

How you look effects how you feel, thus how you look effects employee productivity. Implementing a strict dress code boasts many positive outcomes for employees and the organization. There are other things to consider as well, like how totally inappropriate attire can eventually impact overall employee morale. To read more about the survey and many more great tips on how to create a dress code that helps your organization succeed, click here to read the full article.

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