New Study Reveals Insight Into Employee Retention

A recent blog post from BlessingWhite, a Princeton, NJ consulting firm, provides insight into the top reasons employees give for staying with their employer. The number one reason is “My work. I like the work that I do.”

BlessingWhite executed a global study to find out why employees will stay for a simple job but make a quick exit when a career is offered to them. When employees were asked what the most important factor in staying in a position, thirty percent said the work and liking the job.

In contrast, the top reason for employees of all age groups to leave their job was for their careers. Twenty-six percent said they didn’t have the opportunities to grow or advance. Fifteen percent said they didn’t like what they were doing in their current position. Other reasons cited were finances, desire for change, and management.

Keeping your organization’s top talent is a valid concern. Raises can help to retain employees, but overall, employees will stick around for a challenge, where they are openly able to utilize their expertise. Employees stay with organizations where they feel their work has meaning.

The Employee Engagement Report 2011 investigates attitudes among employees on 4 continents and based on responses from nearly 11,000 currently employed professionals. The study provides many other interesting findings, such as:

– After enjoyable work, career advancement is the second most important retention factor in India, China, Australia/New Zealand, and Southeast Asia. In North America and Europe, favorable job conditions (e.g., a good commute or flexible hours) ranks second.

To read other findings of this fascinating study, click here to read the full article.


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