Let Emotional Intelligence Win Your Arguments

Emotional intelligence is the most beneficial factor in dealing with workplace arguments. A new TalentManagement.com blog post by Travis Bradberry suggests four steps that can help you manage arguments in your workplace.

Any way you want to look at it, there are always going to be disagreements at work. Not everyone can see eye-to-eye all the time! A recent study from the University College London Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience found that politically speaking, people are built for controversy. How can talent managers deal with this issue?

When you don’t agree with someone else, it isn’t really the disagreement that’s the issue. What matters is how you emotionally understand and manage the situation. Emotional intelligence (EQ) becomes the mediator when employees are trained to argue with EQ. This will accomplish two things:

1. The argument itself will be far more rational and productive.

2. The argument will do less damage to the working relationship.

As a talent manager, you must lead by example. If you show your employees how to handle a disagreement using emotional intelligence, they can begin to utilize the tool themselves. Practicing the following four strategies can help.

1. Ask good questions: People want to be heard; if they don’t feel heard, frustration rises.

2. Resist the urge to plan comebacks and rebuttals: A person’s brain cannot listen well and prepare to speak at the same time.

3. Help the other person understand your side of things: Now it is the manager’s turn to help the other person understand his perspective.

4. Keep in touch: Any resolution to an argument is not going to come in the heat of the moment.

In order to lead by example, asking questions is important in the midst of an argument. Ask the other side to elaborate on his or her point of view. It’s also crucial not to use a comeback after they’ve expressed their opinion – silence your inner voice and actually listen! When it comes time for you to express your side of things, communicate clearly and simply – it will help the other side to comprehend your opinion, even if you can’t win them over. Resolutions from arguments typically do not rise from the heat of the argument … emotionally intelligent talent managers should check back in after the heat has died down.

To read more about how to deal with arguments and disagreements with emotional intelligence, click here to view the full article.




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