Management of the Highest Quality

Top quality business management requires a unique skill set that goes above and beyond the title of ‘manager’. The State and Art of Management, an article written by Daniel J. Manginelli III for, discloses a few steps that a manager goes through to become a leader. Manginelli says that the title of manager does not always imply that the employee will be a managerial leader. The beginning phases of any managerial role will be much different than the ending phases of becoming a managerial leader.

When it comes to business management, the challenge is having both the state, which is the skill set to manage, and the art, which is the natural ability to lead.

There are different phases of management. Manginelli shares three steps in the managerial food chain:

The New Manager: The first phase is that of the new manager. New managers take a positional approach and enjoy wielding authority and telling people what to do.

The Manager as Advocate: The second phase of being a manger is acting as the advocate. This is the stage where managers attempt to be partners with their team members. Here, the manager avoids confrontation and candor.

From Manager to Leader: The third phase of management is the value-add in business. This is the phase where the transformation from manager to leader is  made.

Perhaps the key to having management of the highest quality is having a manager that leads by example in order for their team to perform at the highest level.

To read more about the state and art of management, click here.

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