The Term "Recruiting" Just Doesn’t Do It.

When I meet someone who asks me “what I do,” the simple answer that most people would understand is: recruiter. However, that word really does not describe me, my approach with my clients, nor the way that I work on finding the perfect candidates for the jobs I am seeking to fill.

I am much more than a recruiter. I am a consultant who educates and guides my clients prior to any search. In this process, I focus on setting expectations, establishing outcomes for superior performance, creating job descriptions, and more. Because I am paid by the hour and do not have a financial pot of gold resting on a candidate being hired, I can truly be an objective advisor.

I take my job far beyond the scope of a “recruiter.” I am a hiring strategist, teacher, consultant, and become part of the team, able to handle any or all parts of the complex search and selection of top talent for my clients.

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